IIIustration Medical Academy

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board.

Manager :

Dr. Iman Faraj

oriana theraby Academy

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses accredited by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University.
It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Manager :

Dr. Kholoud Abu Talib

About the Academy

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses accredited by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Manager :

Dr. Marwa Gamal

Accredited academies

Name of academy- Deba academy

• About it

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American BoardIt also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Academy Director Dr. Marwa gamal

About the Academy

American Training Center
• Academy Director
A group of certified lecturers
• About the academy.
It is an accredited academy that offers many medical, health, and vocational courses accredited by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Name . American center

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American BoardIt also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

About the Academy

• Academy name
Awareness Academy
• Academy Director
A group of certified lecturers
• About the academy.
It is an accredited academy that offers many medical, health, and vocational courses accredited by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Name . Waey academy

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board.

About the Academy

• Academy name
Ocean Academy
• Academy Director
Coach Noha Muhammad Ali
• About the academy.
It is an accredited academy that offers many medical, health, and professional courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board.

Name . Oshien academy

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board.

About the Academy

Dr. Amira Farouk Academy
• Academy Director
The trainer is Dr. Amira Farouk
• About the academy.
It is an accredited academy that offers many medical, health, and vocational courses accredited by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Name . Amira farouk

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board.

About the Academy

Academy name
Future Academy
Academy Director
Dr.. Marwa Gamal
Deputy Director of Al Zayed Hospital
Certified medical trainer
About the academy.

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board.

About the Academy

SuperHuman Center is accredited to provide American Board programs In an effort by the American Board to expand the circle of training, qualification and employment, the SuperHuman Center has been accredited to provide the American Board’s services in terms of training and accrediting students from the American Board, government agencies, specialized unions and international universities. It has also been accredited by the American University to provide university programs in medical specialties. The center has the authority to provide training programs with accreditation American Board Arab League American University African UniversityIt also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

The decision to accredit the academy was issued after a review Register it with the Investment Authority Register it for taxes Approved by government agencies Accreditation included the provision of programs Medical Health Professional International training license And a certified international trainer certificate The academy's headquarters has also been approved as a location to provide training courses sponsored by the American Board of Medical and Health Specialties

Manager :

Dr. Marwa Gamal

Accredited academies

Name of academy-SuperHuman

• About it

• Name. SuperHuman

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American BoardIt also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Academy Director Marina naaom

The decision to accredit the academy was issued after a review Register it with the Investment Authority Register it for taxes Approved by government agencies Accreditation included the provision of programs Medical Health Professional International training license And a certified international trainer certificate The academy's headquarters has also been approved as a location to provide training courses sponsored by the American Board of Medical and Health Specialties

About the Academy

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board.It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board. It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Manager :

A group of doctors and trainers

Accredited academies

Name of academy- Deba academy

• About it

It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board Academy Director group of doctors and trainers It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.

Academy Director group of doctors and trainers a

About the Academy

I am my child's specialist

For training and consulting In the field of special education Academic grants

I Am My Child Specialist Academy works

Under management

✓Director: Hajar Qutb
Training and Curricula Officer
✓Director: Alia Aoun
Marketing and Public Relations Officer

The academy has also been accredited as a headquarters for providing training courses sponsored by the American Board of Psychological and Educational Specialties

It also offers many scientific programs and contents accredited by the American Board.


Name of academy- iamcs

  • About it
  • It is an accredited academy that offers many medical and health courses approved by the American Board, the American Association for Medical Sciences, the American Association for Continuing Education, and the American University. It also offers many scientific programs and contents approved by the American Board
  • Academy Director heba kotob