Name of the current office head : Intazah Muhammad Rashid Taha
Fame name : Intazah Al-Atrash
Nickname - (Umm Ayad)
Office address - Hebron - Wadi Al-Hariyyah - Al-Ajouri Junction - Al-Baladiya suburb - Al-Basha Mall entrance - Al-Nawras Academy
The board performs the following tasks
- Organizing the work of the American Board inside Palestine
- Coordinating with the relevant authorities in the State of Palestine
- Coordinating with the Middle East Office through the Secretary-General Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud Qandil to organize joint professional training courses
- Coordinating with the California Office in providing modern scientific periodicals
- Managing the vocational training process with the approval of the relevant authorities
- Providing American higher education programs to the people of his country
- Helping people with special needs from the sons of the homeland to receive appropriate vocational education.
- Approving experienced trainers to join the American Board for more knowledge and experience.
- Accreditation of training centers to join the American Board after raising their professional level.
- Accreditation of training programs after reviewing and competing for international standards.
- Providing scholarships to the sons of the nation without discrimination.
- Seeking to form dual scientific cadres in cooperation with governmental and international universities.

The headquarters consists of the best training halls and the latest visual and audio equipment and has its large programs accredited by the American Board of
Medical and Health Specialties.The head of the office seeks to form an administrative structure for the
California office.
This office, through the scientific committee, supervises all professional scientific training packages and curricula by a specialized cadre in several fields with high-level experience.
The office is also ready to work on cooperation protocols with all universities, centers, institutions, training companies, ministries, governmental and civil sectors of all countries of the world and provides you with all training requirements with efficiency and professional sobriety.
It is considered the main office of the American Board in the State of Palestine and has all the administrative powers granted in the contract file to establish all programs and services of our institution, including granting agencies, accreditations and all certificates.
A ccreditation was done by Professor Dr. Counselor. Mustafa Mahmoud Qandil