Branch of the American Board in Lebanon
Family name - Dr. Ghada Zakaria Anani
Office Address – Beirut – Sodeco – Old Damascus Road – Near Saint Joseph University – Khayyat Building
The American Board Office in Lebanon performs the following tasks
- Organizing the activities of the American Board within Lebanon
- Coordinating with relevant authorities in the country.
- Coordinating with the Middle East Office to organize joint professional training courses
- Coordinating with the California Office in providing the latest scientific journals
- Managing the professional training process with the approval of the relevant authorities
- Offering American higher education programs to the people of its country
- Assisting citizens with special needs in receiving suitable vocational education.
- Accrediting experienced trainers to join the American Board for further knowledge and expertise.
- Accrediting training centers to join the American Board after elevating their professional standards.
- Accrediting training programs after review and competition to meet global standards.
- Providing scholarships to citizens without discrimination.
- Seeking to establish dual scientific cadres in collaboration with governmental and international universities.
- Offering training courses in various academic fields

The headquarters comprises state-of-the-art training rooms and the latest audiovisual equipment, with its extensive programs accredited by the American Board for Medical and Health Specialties. The office’s director aims to establish an administrative structure for the California office.
This office, overseen by the scientific committee, supervises all professional scientific training portfolios and curricula, led by a highly experienced specialized team in various fields. Additionally, the office is prepared to establish cooperation protocols with universities, centers, institutions, training companies, ministries, governmental and non-governmental sectors worldwide, providing efficient and professionally sound training resources.
As the main office of the American Board in Lebanon, it possesses full administrative authority to conduct all programs and services of the American Board, including agency grants, accreditations, and all certifications.
Images from the events of the American Board in Lebanon.