The American Board Branch in Jordan
Family name - Dr. Aseel Kiwan,
Dr. Maryam Ani
Office address - New Zarqa, Behind Ibn Al-Ameed, Next to Al-Rayan Mosque.
The American Board office in Jordan performs the following tasks.
- Organizing the activities of the American Board within Jordan
- Coordinating with relevant authorities in the country
- Coordinating with the Middle East office to organize joint professional training courses.
- Coordinating with the California office in delivering the latest scientific workshops.
- Managing the process of vocational training with the approval of relevant authorities.
- Offering American higher education programs to the people of their country
- Helping people with needs in the country receive appropriate vocational education.
- Certifying experienced trainers to join the American Board for more knowledge and experience.
- Accreditation of training centers to join the American Board after raising their professional level.
- Approval of training programs after review and competition according to international standards.
- Providing grants to the people of the country without discrimination.
- Striving to form bilateral scientific cadres in cooperation with governmental and international universities.

And consists of the best training halls and the latest audiovisual equipment, with accredited programs from the American Board for medical and healthcare specialties. The office manager aims to establish an administrative structure for the California office. This office oversees all professional scientific training modules and curricula through a specialized team with high-level expertise in various fields.
Moreover, the office is ready to establish collaboration protocols with universities, centers, institutions, training companies, ministries, governmental sectors, and non-governmental sectors worldwide. It provides all training necessities with efficiency and professional integrity.
The main office of the American Board in Jordan holds all administrative authorities regarding contract management for all American Board services and programs, including agency grants, accreditations, and certificates.