Advantages of joining the American Board
Introduction to the American Board
The American Board is an American educational council that accredits training programs and specialists in all specializations listed on its lists. It accredits universities, institutes and centers through performance evaluation and raising the level of quality. It is legally established as an educational body headquartered in the United States of America in the state of California and has the right to establish multiple branches. The American Board provides its services through the American Board curriculum and practical training, or tests based on the latest scientific developments in the field of specialization and obtaining a certificate accredited in America the United Kingdom, Canada and the Arabian Gulf in various parts of the world

Organizational Structure of the American Board

The President – It is an administrative position that aims to organize the American Board from the administrative aspect
The Secretary-General – He is the main controller of the general system of the American Board from the scientific aspect and international cooperation
And academic and the accreditation of branches, headquarters and agents. His duties are not subject to the rules of substitution but are subject to compensation.
The First and Second Vice-Deputy – Each of them replaces the President in his absence.
The Board of Trustees – It includes seven members chosen from the former heads of departments, agents and the advisory body with the membership of the President, the Secretary-General, the Secretariat and whoever the Council deems to invite.
The Heads of Departments – They work as the President and the Secretary-General in their specialization
The departments must not be less than 5 departments
The Medical Department – The Health Department – The Educational Department – The Engineering Department – The Professional Department
The departments may be increased by a decision from the President with the approval of the Secretary-General.
The Scientific Council – It consists of the heads of departments in addition to an advisory body chosen according to the law of the American Board, and honorary members.
Branch Heads – Each country shall have a representative of the American Board called the President of the American Board in his country, and his administration shall be based on the same organizational structure as the American Board at a minimum, and he shall have the powers of the President and Secretary-General within his country, with the enforcement of his decisions being suspended upon the approval of the Secretary-General, as the case may be.
Agents – Each country shall have one or more agents, as the case may be, to work on expanding the scope of work of the American Board.
Advantages of joining the American Board

There are many advantages of working under
the American Board are many and are divided into advantages related to the scientific content on the one hand, and on the other hand, advantages related to the distance learning process, and on the third hand, advantages related to the international testing system, and on the fourth hand, advantages related to accreditation and documentation services, and fifth, advantages related to acceptance and global spread, and sixth, advantages of ease of dealing and speed of implementation, and finally, advantages of service prices

The features can be summarized as follows:
- Features of scientific content
- Advantages of distance learning
- Features of the International Testing System
- Features related to accreditation and authentication services
- Advantages of global acceptance and spread
- Advantages of diversity in specializations
- Features of ease of use and speed of implementation
- Service price features
- Human support features
- Advantages of scientific and legal consultations
- Advantages of Dual Degrees
- Quality and accreditation features
First - Features of scientific content and training packages

The American Board provides unique scientific content for all countries of the world. This content is divided into:
1 Scientific training content issued by the American Board
2 Scientific content issued by specialized American associations
3 Scientific content specific to American Board trainers
4 Scientific content issued by universities contracted with the American Board
5 Joint scientific content issued by international bodies cooperating with the American Board
This content is prepared with these huge scientific backgrounds that deepen the roots of knowledge for students in the American Board.
On the other hand, we find the spirit of keeping pace with scientific development and opening up horizons of cognitive reading for members of the American Board.
This scientific content and training packages are available to everyone who joins the American Board according to his specialization
and in digital or printed form.
Second - Advantages of the distance learning process (study online)

Keeping pace with the scientific system in study and adopting the distance learning system
1 Study via the American Board application available on Google Play and App Store
2 Study via the American Board website us.board-american.www
3 Free study by providing the scientific curriculum to the student with a specific time frame for the study
4 Preparing scientific research and sending it online
Thus, the American Board of Medical and Health Specialties embodies the full meaning of distance learning; as it provides
Hundreds of recorded and live lectures that are broadcast via the American Board application.
When contracting with the American Board, the contracting party enjoys all these features
Third: Advantages related to the international testing system

This unique scientific system that the American Board was and still is distinguished by from all other educational systems, as the work has settled globally on the American Board providing its members with an international exam in light of the rules of practicing the profession in the United States of America, and the test is often three levels, and differs according to each specialization. This exam is a revealer of the student’s scientific ability and professional knowledge, which makes passing the test a distinctive mark in his scientific experience and an indication of his advanced level in practicing the profession. Upon passing, the student is granted the appropriate certificates for his specialization, which qualifies him to work in various entities.
Fourth - Features related to accreditation and documentation services

In an effort to achieve the maximum benefit for students affiliated with the American Board, the American Board has established many bridges of cooperation and accreditation with governmental and international bodies, including:
1. Documentation and authentication of certificates from the federal government.
2. Documentation of the US State Department.
3. Documentation of foreign countries such as England, Egypt, Libya, and the Gulf States.
4. Documentation of all embassies of the world.
5. Documentation of data flow.
6. Documentation of B cadres.
7. Documentation and authentication of the US Department of Justice and a number of countries of the world.
8. Documentation of the international apostille.
9. Documentation of the British selector.
10. Documentation of the Ministry of Education in a number of countries.
11. Documentation and authentication of the Medical Sciences Authority.
12. Documentation of the British Board of the American Board certificate according to a dual cooperation protocol.
Authentication services are not limited to the previous entities only, but extend to include many bodies.
According to each country
Fifth - Advantages related to acceptance and global spread

The American Board of Medical and Health Specialties is present in many countries of the world, starting from the state of California in the United States of America and spreading to countries of the world. There are countries
1 America
2 Mexico
3 Peru
4 England
5 Turkey
6 Russia
7 Philippines
8 Malaysia
9 Croatia
10 Bangladesh
11 Brazil
12 Ukraine
13 Egypt
14 Lebanon
15 UAE
16 Kuwait
17 Qatar
18 Bahrain
19 Palestine
20 Algeria
21 Saudi Arabia
22 Yemen
23 Canada
24 France
Sixth - Advantages of diversity in specializations

The American Board did not limit itself to one specialty, but rather intervened to address all specialties, either individually or in cooperation with universities.
1 Medical specialties
2 Health specialties
3 Educational specialties
4 Engineering specialties
5 Economic specialties
6 Professional specialties
The American Board provides each specialty with its many departments with a scientific coverage that includes all stages of the educational process. It also grants academic degrees in cooperation with cooperating universities, unions and scientific associations.
Seventh - Advantages of ease of use and speed of implementation

With the quality and diversity of services, we offer a special system for the American Board that follows a special program for the American Board, which is done through submission, testing and evaluation. With this, we offer a communication mechanism through all multiple communication channels, where communication is done via phone, and all applications such as WhatsApp, official email, Telegram, Facebook, and others. The response does not take more than minutes, and consultations are provided in an instant, and services are implemented in a time characterized by rapid completion. We also provide post-study services such as issuing a replacement for lost or damaged certificates, or authenticating certificates.
The American Board provides each specialty with its many departments with a scientific coverage that includes all stages of the educational process. It also grants academic degrees in cooperation with cooperating universities, unions and scientific associations.
Eighth - Advantages of service prices

Despite the quality and diversity of the services, they are suitable for all those wishing to study according to opinion polls.
They are always supported by cooperative parties and accompanied by discounts and facilities in payment methods.
The service is also very low-priced when compared to the same services provided by similar American parties.
Agents receive price lists that are stable.
Ninth - Human support features

Support for accredited agents and academies does not stop.
It is not just scientific support, documentation and international certification.
But it extends to the maximum levels of support, by providing experts and trainers to the contracting parties.
The staff provided here is distinguished by its scientific expertise and global reputation.
Human support also includes monitoring and evaluation of the performance of agents and accredited bodies.
The American Board also provides a special form of support by providing agents with international students.
Tenth - Advantages of dual degrees

In an effort to achieve the greatest benefit for students registered with the American Board, agreements were concluded to issue dual degrees accredited by the American Board and the contracting scientific bodies. These bodies include:
1. American Open University
2. American University for Continuing Education
3. Arab University for Science and Technology
4. Tobruk University
5. American Association for Medical Education
6. American Association for Medical Sciences
And dozens of other government agencies and associations that were referred to in the attached file
Eleventh - Features of quality, accreditation and conformity to specifications

The American Board of Education is an educational institution that has obtained a certificate of quality and scientific accreditation from
1. Iaf
2. Iso 21001
3. Iso 9001